Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 6

Mary sat up straight in bed. His heart racing madly in his chest. He forgot something, drenched in sweat his mind raced wildly. What was it? What was it?

His feet touched the cold wood floors as he stood up, listening to Joseph and Carol next door. He decided not to interrupt them and got dressed quietly. White button up shirt, black tie, black pants, and his normal black socks with the black dress shoes.

He looked in the mirror at his scarred face, noticing the jagged cut that ran from his forehead through his eye and down to his chin. The eye gray and dead. Lifting a hand slowly, he covered it and studied his face. He missed his old beauty. Women used to flock to him, now they stared out of confusion and fear.

Mary let his hand fall to his side, reaching for his watch and placing it on his right wrist. Running a rough hand over his bald head, Mary nodded at himself in the mirror. He looked alright. Better than most days.

The door cracked open and Carol came in, softly closing the door behind her. She stood for a moment, just looking at him. Silent.

She took a step towards him and Mary held his breath, "Is he asleep?" She nodded almost running to him. They collided in a kiss, his arms wrapping around her, holding her tightly.

Ignoring the fact that Joseph was in the next room and could probably hear them, ignoring the fact that he knew it was wrong, ignoring the fact that she never said she loved him too, ignoring the fact that he would have to face Joseph tomorrow, Mary pressed on. Daring her to pull away. And when she didn't, nothing else mattered.

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