Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 5

Mary sat very still, his eyes studying the scars the decorated his arms. The tie felt like it was choking him, so he loosened it a bit. straightening his glasses with his other hand. Carol's eyes were narrow and unmoving, the house across the street from them was completely black. She shifted a bit, the leather seat underneath her making a few sounds. She pressed her chest closer to the steering wheel trying to see through the darkness.

"Tell me," Mary said, "How much longer?"

Carol moved slowly, shrugging very slightly and narrowing her eyes even more. He knew she'd rather sit in silence, but he was so bored and the minutes seemed to crawl by. Mary looked up through the sun roof and the moon winked at him through the clouds. He jumped when Carol's hand flew to the door handle.

"Come on," she snapped. Mary reached behind his seat, grabbing the duffel bag. He hopped out, his dress shoes almost slipping on the wet pavement. The wet grass had a distinct smell that he loved. The adrenalin began to flow through his body, his hands beginning to shake. Carol crossed the street quickly and knelt in front of the door knob. Mary followed her, letting out a shaky breath as she stood and slowly turned the door knob. Her lips parted slightly as she eased it open, he eyes fixed on his. He thought she was sexiest at these times.

She winked at him as she slid through the small space, he followed her eagerly. Once inside the door, they both froze. This gave their eyes a chance to adjust to the utter blackness that engulfed the house. There was a table inches from them, and then the house split three ways. To the left was the kitchen, Mary could hear the hum of the fridge. To the right, Carol indicated there was a tv, she could see it slightly.

They circled the table and headed up the stairs, being careful to stay as quiet as possible. Once at the top, the hallway was illuminated by the streetlight. Carol walked towards the end of the hall, placing her feet carefully, her hips moving. Mary watched silently.

He bit his lip as he followed her, his right hand skimming the wall. Carol glanced back making sure he remembered to put on the gloves. Once reaching the bedroom door, he put a finger to his lips as he pushed the door softly. It opened bit by bit until he saw the sleeping woman, sprawled across her king sized bed. He let out a deep sigh, his heart fluttering in his chest. Now this was the part he loved.

Carol walked towards the woman, her face saying it all. This was a good pick. She reached out to Mary as he dug through the bag. He handed her a cloth and bottle. A smile spread over Carol's face as she moved some hair out of the woman's face. Laura was her name. They had been delicate in choosing this one.

Laura's eyes opened and a look came over her face. Mary read it as fear and disgust. He smiled.

"Morning," Carol said. Laura flipped over on to her back and began kicking at Carol. She grabbed Laura's ankle and pulled her to the edge of the bed. Now it definitely was fear in her eyes. Her mouth opened wide and Carol quickly shoved the towel into it. "No screaming," she said coldly.

Mary grabbed her by the hair and pulled her off of the bed, the feeling it gave him was amazing. Carol handed him a zip tie as she tightened one around her ankles. Laura bucked as Mary dug his knee into her back. "A fighter," he said almost laughing.

He tightened the zip tie around her wrists, then picking her up he saw the tears falling from her eyes. Carol grabbed her ankles, then they hoisted her out of the room and down the stairs. Mary hummed Keith Urban's 'I Told You So' as they set her down by the door. Carol pulled a garbage bag out and opened it up. Mary lifted Laura up and slid her into the bag very gently.

Once she was in, Carol opened the door wide, they picked up the bag and carried it out on to the stoop. Mary glanced around as Carol closed the door and locked it. He threw the bag over is shoulder as they crossed the street quickly, opening the trunk and tossing her inside. He pulled the bag down uncovering her face. "Nighty night," he sang before slamming the trunk closed. Then there was silence.

Carol got into the car as Mary ran around to the passengers side, slipping on the curb again and catching himself on the car with his hand. He opened the door and got in, throwing the duffel bag into the back seat. They pulled off and Mary began to giggle excitedly.

The moon was bright, the air was clear, and for right now everything was right with the world.

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