Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day 8

The Wedding

Crystal's hand gripped Frank's tightly. He gave her a reassuring squeeze, smiling at her when their eyes met. Although she loved him dearly, something about this just didn't seem right at all. She wanted to go back and redo the night. She wanted to erase everything that happened and silently wished she had told her friends "no" when they had bugged her about going out.

She shifted her weight under the large dress, leaning on her left leg. The outside wedding was never her idea, but instead Frank's mother's idea. And how smug she must look now, as the scorching sun beat down on them.

"I do," Frank said sternly. Crystal's mind immediately shot back to the events taking place as the Pastor turned to her. She wanted this over with as soon as possible and almost blurted out the same words before the Pastor could even say his piece.

As the vows wrapped up and everyone moved onto the reception, Crystal's mind was still running wild with worries and thoughts. As she walked to her room with her eyes fixed on the ground, a hand came to rest on her shoulder. "Please, Frank," she said softly, "I'm not the mood."

"Busy night, honey?" came a voice that was certainly not Frank's. Crystal turned around and met the eyes of Sarah who smiled, resting a hand on her hip, "Well I'll be damned." She looked very pretty, her red hair in loose curls, and the pink dress hugging her in a very tasteful way. Her freckles seemed to help her features stand out more, rather than make her unattractive. She had to be at least five feet, seeming very short to Crystal's six.

"What are you doing here?" Crystal whispered, grabbing the young woman by the arm and pulling her down a corridor.

"Well, little miss sunshine," Sarah reached out and smoothed some wrinkles on Crystal's pristine dress. "You're my cousin's wife. Ironic. Also," she paused, pointing, "That dress is a lie."

Crystal grabbed her finger and flung it down to the ground, "You need to go."

"But white does look good on you. What was that?" Sarah leaned closer to the bride, "Go? Oh no, I can't go. This is my cousin's big day. That would be rude of me."

Crystal stood up straight and pushed Sarah out of the way as she made her way towards the room to change, "This is getting worse and worse."

"It's ok," Sarah shouted as the woman rushed further away, "I wont tell him!"

Crystal slowed, looking back. She wouldn't tell him, right? She doubted it as she disappeared behind a door to change.

The reception was lively and calming to Crystal. She had almost forgotten about her little meet up as she danced and laughed with Frank. How she loved him. But out of the corner of her eye, weaving through the crowd, was a little figure. It came closer and closer and finally Sarah stood next to them, the blush on her face was certainly one of drunkenness, "Hey, Franky, I think we're gonna go."

Frank smiled, leaned in very close to her, and placed a hand on her shoulder, "You alright to drive?"

Sarah just nodded and wobbled a bit. "Take care of yourself, Crys," she whispered into Crystal's ear. She shivered a bit, but smiled and nodded politely. "I'm off!" and with that the fiery red head turned and walked out, grabbing a woman's hand on the way.

"You sure she's ok to drive?" Crystal shouted over the loud music. Frank nodded roughly, his eyebrows furrowed together. "Well, I'm gonna go make sure!" she shouted again, backing away and then maneuvering around people until she was outside.

The sound of the water smashing against the rocks in the background seemed to make a continuous beat. Crystal walked quickly towards the Jeep sitting in the parking lot. Crystal noticed the engine wasn't running as she got closer, listening for anything. She wouldn't really know where else to look for the young woman if Sarah wasn't here. And then she heard it, a somewhat muffled cry.

Sarah grabbed the door and opened it to a very drunk Sarah kissing an extremely sober Tessa, Crystal's best friend. "What the hell are you doing?!" Crystal shouted, pulling Tessa out of the Jeep.

"Ow, Crystal! You're hurting me!" Tessa's blue eyes were sharp as she looked at her. Her blonde hair a tussled mess, as she shoved down her dress.

"Oh hey, Crys," Sarah said smiling. "Enjoying the festivities?"

"Leave my friends alone, Sarah!" Crystal grabbed Tessa's arm and pulled her back towards the wedding, rage bubbling in her gut.

"Call me!" Tessa shouted as the Jeep started up and backed out with the passenger side door still open. "Loosen your grip! Fuck."

"I told you not to hook up at my wedding!" Crystal said firmly. "You promised me!"

"You said not with any of
your cousins. She's not your cousin," Tessa straightened her dress a bit more.

Crystal glanced back as the Jeep backed up, almost smashing into the limo. "Fuck," she whispered. "Tessa, go to the reception and stay there!"

"Ok! Ok!" she quickly walked past Crystal muttering things under her breath.

Crystal made her way back towards the parking lot. The closer she got to the vehicle, the more clearly she could see Sarah passed out. Grabbing her arm, she pulled the woman out holding her gently, "Looks like you'll be staying with us tonight. Frank's gonna be pissed."

She switched off the engine, closed the doors, and made her way back to the hotel to place Sarah in bed.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 7


Crystal shifted slightly in her sleep, a screeching pain shot through her head as she opened her eyes. And just then, just in that moment the night came crashing back to her. Every touch, every kiss, every passion filled sigh. She reached out under the covers, searching and finally her hand came to rest on soft, smooth skin. Her heart began to race in her chest, her fingers gripping the skin. She hadn't, had she? It was a dream, right? Nothing had happened. She repeated those words in her head a few times, until the person beside her moved, her head cried out again and she raised a hand to her forehead. This was not happening. Not today.

The person moved again and Crystal fought her hang over to search for a name. Any name. She thought back to the night before as she drank, talked, and danced the person was there. Talking to her constantly. She tried to focus on the meeting. She had extended her hand, said her name and the person said...

Crystal nearly jumped out of the bed. Her heart felt like it was going to rip out of her chest and explode. She slipped, grabbing for the covers before her head slammed against the floor. The woman shot up and grabbed her quickly, "You ok?" Crystal's eyes widened.

Crystal let go of the woman and her head connected with a sickening thud against the wood floor. She laid there letting it sink it.

The woman peered from the bed, "You obviously aren't ok." She reached out, pulling Crystal back on to the bed, and then the night became clearer. Certainly their nudity wasn't because they were hot, Crystal ran her hands down her face trying to get the images out of her head.

"This didn't happen," she said firmly. "I'm getting married today!"

The woman's eyebrows shot up, "Excuse me? You said nothing about that." Crystal nearly shoved her left hand into the woman's face, but alas there was no ring. "I would have noticed," she said. "Trust me, I'm not that blind."

Crystal's eyes darted all over her room. From the clothes scattered, to the bed side table, to the way the sun reflected on the other woman's skin. "Sarah, right?" she said looking at her. Sarah nodded but didn't say anything. "I'm sorry, Sarah, but...this isn't me. I'm straight. I'm marrying a very nice man today."

"Woah," Sarah's hands raised, "I didn't ask for a relationship or anything."

Crystal looked at her, she was pretty but she was a woman. What had she been drinking the night before, anyway? "I don't want to seem rude, but fuck it. You need to go," Crystal climbed off of the bed and grabbed a robe, quickly throwing it on.

Sarah slid off of the bed and began to redress, Crystal watched silently from the corner. "You know," Sarah said smirking at her, "You seemed to really enjoy it last night. Seven times, if I remember correctly." Then she opened the door and walked out.

Crystal's body almost sagged as she watched Sarah leave. The hangover hit her in full effect right at that second, she cursed herself as she walked into the kitchen for relief from her headache.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 6

Mary sat up straight in bed. His heart racing madly in his chest. He forgot something, drenched in sweat his mind raced wildly. What was it? What was it?

His feet touched the cold wood floors as he stood up, listening to Joseph and Carol next door. He decided not to interrupt them and got dressed quietly. White button up shirt, black tie, black pants, and his normal black socks with the black dress shoes.

He looked in the mirror at his scarred face, noticing the jagged cut that ran from his forehead through his eye and down to his chin. The eye gray and dead. Lifting a hand slowly, he covered it and studied his face. He missed his old beauty. Women used to flock to him, now they stared out of confusion and fear.

Mary let his hand fall to his side, reaching for his watch and placing it on his right wrist. Running a rough hand over his bald head, Mary nodded at himself in the mirror. He looked alright. Better than most days.

The door cracked open and Carol came in, softly closing the door behind her. She stood for a moment, just looking at him. Silent.

She took a step towards him and Mary held his breath, "Is he asleep?" She nodded almost running to him. They collided in a kiss, his arms wrapping around her, holding her tightly.

Ignoring the fact that Joseph was in the next room and could probably hear them, ignoring the fact that he knew it was wrong, ignoring the fact that she never said she loved him too, ignoring the fact that he would have to face Joseph tomorrow, Mary pressed on. Daring her to pull away. And when she didn't, nothing else mattered.

Day 5

Mary sat very still, his eyes studying the scars the decorated his arms. The tie felt like it was choking him, so he loosened it a bit. straightening his glasses with his other hand. Carol's eyes were narrow and unmoving, the house across the street from them was completely black. She shifted a bit, the leather seat underneath her making a few sounds. She pressed her chest closer to the steering wheel trying to see through the darkness.

"Tell me," Mary said, "How much longer?"

Carol moved slowly, shrugging very slightly and narrowing her eyes even more. He knew she'd rather sit in silence, but he was so bored and the minutes seemed to crawl by. Mary looked up through the sun roof and the moon winked at him through the clouds. He jumped when Carol's hand flew to the door handle.

"Come on," she snapped. Mary reached behind his seat, grabbing the duffel bag. He hopped out, his dress shoes almost slipping on the wet pavement. The wet grass had a distinct smell that he loved. The adrenalin began to flow through his body, his hands beginning to shake. Carol crossed the street quickly and knelt in front of the door knob. Mary followed her, letting out a shaky breath as she stood and slowly turned the door knob. Her lips parted slightly as she eased it open, he eyes fixed on his. He thought she was sexiest at these times.

She winked at him as she slid through the small space, he followed her eagerly. Once inside the door, they both froze. This gave their eyes a chance to adjust to the utter blackness that engulfed the house. There was a table inches from them, and then the house split three ways. To the left was the kitchen, Mary could hear the hum of the fridge. To the right, Carol indicated there was a tv, she could see it slightly.

They circled the table and headed up the stairs, being careful to stay as quiet as possible. Once at the top, the hallway was illuminated by the streetlight. Carol walked towards the end of the hall, placing her feet carefully, her hips moving. Mary watched silently.

He bit his lip as he followed her, his right hand skimming the wall. Carol glanced back making sure he remembered to put on the gloves. Once reaching the bedroom door, he put a finger to his lips as he pushed the door softly. It opened bit by bit until he saw the sleeping woman, sprawled across her king sized bed. He let out a deep sigh, his heart fluttering in his chest. Now this was the part he loved.

Carol walked towards the woman, her face saying it all. This was a good pick. She reached out to Mary as he dug through the bag. He handed her a cloth and bottle. A smile spread over Carol's face as she moved some hair out of the woman's face. Laura was her name. They had been delicate in choosing this one.

Laura's eyes opened and a look came over her face. Mary read it as fear and disgust. He smiled.

"Morning," Carol said. Laura flipped over on to her back and began kicking at Carol. She grabbed Laura's ankle and pulled her to the edge of the bed. Now it definitely was fear in her eyes. Her mouth opened wide and Carol quickly shoved the towel into it. "No screaming," she said coldly.

Mary grabbed her by the hair and pulled her off of the bed, the feeling it gave him was amazing. Carol handed him a zip tie as she tightened one around her ankles. Laura bucked as Mary dug his knee into her back. "A fighter," he said almost laughing.

He tightened the zip tie around her wrists, then picking her up he saw the tears falling from her eyes. Carol grabbed her ankles, then they hoisted her out of the room and down the stairs. Mary hummed Keith Urban's 'I Told You So' as they set her down by the door. Carol pulled a garbage bag out and opened it up. Mary lifted Laura up and slid her into the bag very gently.

Once she was in, Carol opened the door wide, they picked up the bag and carried it out on to the stoop. Mary glanced around as Carol closed the door and locked it. He threw the bag over is shoulder as they crossed the street quickly, opening the trunk and tossing her inside. He pulled the bag down uncovering her face. "Nighty night," he sang before slamming the trunk closed. Then there was silence.

Carol got into the car as Mary ran around to the passengers side, slipping on the curb again and catching himself on the car with his hand. He opened the door and got in, throwing the duffel bag into the back seat. They pulled off and Mary began to giggle excitedly.

The moon was bright, the air was clear, and for right now everything was right with the world.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 4

Joseph's eyes fixed on the clock, the red numbers blinking back at him furiously. 2:41





His alarm clock awoke with a start, a high pitched scream grasped the room. Joseph's hand lingered over the button, waiting for the movement next to him. When he felt the leg brush his, his finger came down quickly, shutting the alarm clock up.

The covers shifted as his bed partner got up and made their way to the bathroom. Joseph pressed his face into the pillow and screamed. Another day. After all the drinking he would think that his failing liver would have killed him over night. A day of torture. How he wished....

The bathroom door opened and Joseph rolled himself over, sitting up. He scooted towards the edge of the bed, his hand groping the darkness.

"Need help," came the soft voice from the other side of the bed.

"No!" Joseph said between gritting teeth. His hand reaching, aching. Just a bit further. His finger tips brushed the cold metal and he grabbed it, pulling it close to him. He lifted himself up, one hand holding onto the bar, the other helping keep his balance on the bed. He lowered himself gently until he could go no further.

"You sure?" came the voice again.

"Positive," he murmured. Both hands on cold metal. And push.

Forward he moved until he entered the bathroom. Pulling the chain sharply, the light flickered on. He pushed himself towards the toilet, emptied his bag, and turned to look at the shower. This part was always a hassle. He closed his eyes tightly as the tears came.

Even after all these years, Joseph still couldn't deal with the pain and agony it had caused him. Even as he thought about it, he felt the pain all over again. The bullet burned into his skin. Torn into his body for life. He looked at the chair that was his life now. Paralyzed from the middle of his back down. A waste.

He cursed the nurse that had run over to save his life. Now he was fucked. He rolled closer to the tub, anger in his chest making it hard for him to breathe. He turned on the shower, warm water cascading down. Lifting himself up, he could hear the chair shaking underneath him. He threw himself into the tub, slamming his chin again the ceramic and chipping a tooth. He crumbled into the tub, his body in an odd arch, legs sticking up into the air, eyes peering up at the ceiling. Thick sobs racked his body, blood running down his chin.

He tried, but failed, at pushing himself up.

"Carol!" he cried out. "Carol!"

He heard rushing heels and a gasp, "Joseph! What the hell?!" Hands grabbed at him, flipping him over. Her eyes were full of worry, her blonde hair pasting to her face as the water hit her. "What are you doing?" she said softly, running a shaking hand over his cheek.

Joseph kissed her fingers, "Stay with me today."

She climbed into the shower, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his chest. Listening to his heart. He was alive. A living, breathing human being. A hurt human being.

Joseph sobbed as he held her closely, the shower still pounding down on them.

'Tomorrow,' he thought. 'We can try again tomorrow.'

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day 3

"Say the truth," you whisper, "Tell me that you're tempted."

Let those words escape my lips, I was unsure. The fall looked dangerous and sent a slight shiver up my back. Although there was clearly water beneath this cliff we straddled, there were also rocks. Sharp and jagged.

"Jump with me," you say. A large smile on your face as you begin to undress. I was still unsure. The thought releasing a fleet of butterflies into my stomach. "Come on," you plead as you pull down your skirt.

I am frozen. Torn. Jump with you and risk it, as I did so often with you, or walk back to the car and meet you down by the beach. I had to admit you brought flare to my life as I watch you walk towards the edge and peer over, giggling.

You reach out to me, your eyes fixed on mine. "Jump," the word seemed to slip off of your tongue and dance into my ear. Without thinking I began to undress. My mind spinning as I shakily breathe in the humid air. Your smile only widened, your eyes fixing on the water below, but your hand staying in place. Beckoning me.

I grab it eagerly, our eyes meeting. "Ready?" you breathe. I only nod and we jump. The air rushing past us, our feet searching for ground, screams escaping our throats and reaching for the heavens.

This, my friend, is life.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Day 2

The look you gave me every day said it all. This was love. This was what it felt like to truly be in love. Every morning you'd shower my face with kisses and followed me when I went to make coffee. When I left you for work, your eyes said it all.

"I will wait for you forever." And I echoed that inside my heart.

My desk is littered with pictures of you, my mind always on you. When it is time to come home my heart leaps in my chest. Excitement overwhelms me, and I can't concentrate. Walking through that door is the best feeling in the world. You, again, kiss my face with eagerness. Following me around the house as I tell you about my day.

I hold you close and kiss your head, before going outside. I keep you close to me until we get to the street.

You dart ahead of me, not noticing the car turning the corner. All I can do is scream in horror as it strikes you. My world falling apart. The screeches to a stop and I run to you. You lie there, eyes rolled back, barely breathing, blood everywhere.

"I told you!" I say, "I said look!" I pick you up, screaming for help, but you die there in my arms. Your hair matted with blood. You were the best friend I ever had. And now you were gone. I held you close as I cried.

I love you so. I pet you softly as tears fall into your fur.

My love.
My friend.
My carer.
My protector.
My dog.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Day 1

Take One

She held on to her deep blue blouse, it was her favourite. The tears running down her face seemed to never stop as I stood in the doorway. Laura stopped for a second, her shoulders bouncing with the inaudible sobs escaping her throat. She had shouted it from the very depths within her, shaking the entire house. "I hate you."

After everything Laura was sure that this was it. And I stood in the doorway watching her pack her bags. Unsure of what to do next. My mind said plead, my heart said cry and hold her close, and my body said stay as still as possible and hope she changes her mind.

The pile in the middle of our bed was of her clothes and belongings. Our bed shared for three years. And now it was covered in her things being thrown into a few beat-up suitcases.
I finally stepped into the room, her back still towards me.

"Don't you try to stop me," she said in that crying voice. I stood still again, my hand slightly raising. How I ached to touch her, to make this whole thing go away with our bodies intertwined on our bed. Oh how I loved her, even the smell of the lavender perfume she wore got me excited.

How could we fight this way when we had such love? How could we break each other when had such desire? The questions swimming in my head seemed never ending. "Plea - Please stay," I muttered. She turned towards me,
her face was smeared with tears and the look in her eyes was empty.

"I don't love you anymore," she said bitterly. "You ruined that for me. Robbed me of what we were!"

"We can fix this," and even as the words left my lips I felt the lie dominate the room. The elephant was there and Laura's eyes were fixed on it.

She turned away quickly, shoving her things in her bag, and crying furiously. She mumbled under her breath, "Fuck you" several times before shoving me aside and heading to the door. "I love you, Laura!" I shouted as I followed her.

She opened the door, looking straight into my eyes, "Don't you lie to me. I'm sorry, I can't love you."

The door closed.
The smell faded.
The time passed.