Monday, August 25, 2008

Day 15

A little something dedicated to M&M. Such a sweetie pie.

No Title

Micah's eyes opened and he was not disappointed by what he saw. The young blonde lying beside him was fast asleep, her body askew on the bed. All he could do was smile.

Out of all of his conquests, Naomi certainly had to be the most attractive. Not to mention she had no problem dragging him back to her place after he had "worked his charms." Although, none of her friends had fallen for his cheesy lines and continued to tell her what a bad idea bringing him home was.

He was very glad she ignored them.

He wanted to roll over and do his normal routine after nights such as these. Silently get out of bed, get dressed, and out the door without disturbing her at all. But something about her kept him in place for awhile. Longer than he would have liked and as he thought about it, watching her sleep, he realized that a piece of him wanted her to wake up before he left.

She stirred, making his heart plummet. A soft moan escaped her lips before she went quiet again. He needed to just go. Head back to his hotel room and get ready for his flight back to Detroit and be with his girlfriend.

Naomi moved again, this time running her leg up his slowly. Her eyes opened slowly as she smiled at him. "Well, good morning~" she sang.

"Morning," he said dryly. He cursed himself, he should have left.

In one easy movement she straddled him, "And how are you feeling?"

"I feel...I feel grreat," his slight stutter dragging out the r.

"Really?" her eyebrow raised slightly. "Are you Tony the Tiger now?" Micah chuckled, this was why he stayed. Her playful nature was so different from his girlfriend's and interested him greatly. She leaned down, kissing his cheek, her mouth close to his ear, "Hey."

A shock seemed to run up his spine, "Yeah?"

"I'm a tiger, baby~" she sat up and winked at him.

"Oh yeah?" Micah smiled.

"Yeah," she pawed at his face, "Rawr~"

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