Monday, August 25, 2008

Day 15

A little something dedicated to M&M. Such a sweetie pie.

No Title

Micah's eyes opened and he was not disappointed by what he saw. The young blonde lying beside him was fast asleep, her body askew on the bed. All he could do was smile.

Out of all of his conquests, Naomi certainly had to be the most attractive. Not to mention she had no problem dragging him back to her place after he had "worked his charms." Although, none of her friends had fallen for his cheesy lines and continued to tell her what a bad idea bringing him home was.

He was very glad she ignored them.

He wanted to roll over and do his normal routine after nights such as these. Silently get out of bed, get dressed, and out the door without disturbing her at all. But something about her kept him in place for awhile. Longer than he would have liked and as he thought about it, watching her sleep, he realized that a piece of him wanted her to wake up before he left.

She stirred, making his heart plummet. A soft moan escaped her lips before she went quiet again. He needed to just go. Head back to his hotel room and get ready for his flight back to Detroit and be with his girlfriend.

Naomi moved again, this time running her leg up his slowly. Her eyes opened slowly as she smiled at him. "Well, good morning~" she sang.

"Morning," he said dryly. He cursed himself, he should have left.

In one easy movement she straddled him, "And how are you feeling?"

"I feel...I feel grreat," his slight stutter dragging out the r.

"Really?" her eyebrow raised slightly. "Are you Tony the Tiger now?" Micah chuckled, this was why he stayed. Her playful nature was so different from his girlfriend's and interested him greatly. She leaned down, kissing his cheek, her mouth close to his ear, "Hey."

A shock seemed to run up his spine, "Yeah?"

"I'm a tiger, baby~" she sat up and winked at him.

"Oh yeah?" Micah smiled.

"Yeah," she pawed at his face, "Rawr~"

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Day 14

Sam rounded the corner, a funny feeling in his gut. Something wasn't quite right tonight. In an instant, Sam's head was making contact with the wall. Pain shot up his back as his eyes met hers.

"Have you been lying to me this whole time?" she said through gritted teeth. She was about to cry.

"Lying to you? No," he said shocked. He had no idea what she was talking about.

"Is she even real?" the tears broke free and streamed down her face.

"Of course she is!" he said as her grip loosened. "What is this about?"

"Have you been lying to me this whole time?!" she screamed.

Sam took a deep breath as she finally let go of him, "No
, I haven't been lying to you. Take a deep breath. Calm down."

"No!" she shoved him hard in the chest, Sam's head slamming against the wall again, "Explain!"

"Sit down," he said calmly.

"You sit," she said coldly. And he did, "Explain. Is she the original or not?"

"It's a confusing mess, but, right now, it looks like she isn't," he shook his leg trying to forget the craving for the cigarettes in his pocket.

"Whose body is it?" her hands began to shake with frustration.

"It's mine," he whispered just loud enough for her to hear.

"Yours," her body seemed to carry a heavy weight now. "All this time...I've been in love with a lie? A fragment?"

Sam looked at her, wanting to stand. This certainly wasn't something he could fix easily right now, and she deserved the truth! What was he to do? Continue lying...?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Day 13

I am tempted.

To join you.
My idiocy leading us here.

No kiss,
No hug,
No touch of your nimble fingers.

No way of knowing
You wouldn't be there when I woke.

My mind,
A muddled mess.

My body,
An empty shell.

My heart,
A faltering, decrepit, useless organ.

My mouth refuses to make words
Without you.
I can't get sleep
Without you.
I can't process thoughts
Without you.
I can't love
Without you.

I am lost and lonely
Without you.
A small child
In a desolate town.

And all I can think,
Is a single selfish thought.

I still need you.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Day 11

The bedroom door waved silently, the gusts of wind from the balcony doors pushing and pulling them to their own rhythm. Sam sat silently in a chair backwards, a cigarette between his lips and as he pushed the chair onto it's back legs. Alicia sat on the bed, silent. This was going to be a talk out of necessity. A life needed to be saved.

Holding the cigarette between his index and middle fingers, he scratched his eyebrow with his thumb. He needed to choose his words carefully. Very carefully.

"I'm assuming what I'm about to hear will not be very good for me," Alicia almost whispered.

Sam's eyes met hers, "Why are you assuming that?"

Alicia shook her head, sighing silently, "It's a natural assumption. I've done nothing but hurt her."

Sam took a drag on his cigarette, nodding, "Good enough."

A silence fell between the two and seemed to drag on longer than the three minutes it actually took. "Look," Alicia said, "If it's related to me somehow, I'm alright with going away if it'll fix it."

"No. She needs you right now, but if you want to go we wont stop you," Sam took another drag on the cigarette. It was almost time for him to light another one.

"I don't want to go," tears began to gather in her eyes.

"If you stay, she wont be around for awhile," he slid the pack out of his pocket, smacking it two times on his left palm before pulling another cigarette out.

Alicia closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "I feel my presence is making her worse."

"In all honesty, this was bound to happen. We were just waiting," Sam watched the trail of smoke rise slowly.

"Why?" Alicia watched him.

"Because she wants to die," he said matter-of-factly before sticking the cigarette between his lips again.

"Nothing can stop that. Not you. Not me," Alicia said. "The fact that you're there is making her worse. She feels like she's losing control."

Sam sat up and narrowed his eyes at Alicia, "So we're supposed to let her kill herself?"

"No, of course not," Alicia almost screamed the words.

"She needs time. To face herself, to find herself, to get past her fears," he stood walking to the balcony doors and looking out, taking another drag on the cigarette.

She watched silently, "Time she'll get."

"Oh?" he turned to her, "When?"

"When she leaves. Listen," she watched him as he turned back to the balcony doors, "If what she needs is time, she needs to cut out distractions."

He nodded, tossing the cigarette out of the doors, "We have cut out distractions. All of them, except you."


"Because with you c
omes an overwhelming feeling of happiness and love. And she needs that," he turned and walked back to the seat. "You're the only person she can get it from."

"Why?" Alicia's brows furrowed as she tried to understand.

"She trusts you," Sam took the pack out of his pocket again, going through the same routine before placing the cigarette between his lips and lighting it.

"I want to talk to her, but I'll do it when she's ready," there was a cry of pain in her voice.

Sam took a long drag on the cigarette, blowing the smoke out his nose, "She's ready."

"Are you sure? She might need more time," Alicia studied his face.

"You don't want to speak to her?" he tapped his shoe on the floor.

"I want her to be ready. Positively ready," she said quietly.

He took another drag on the cigarette, "I'm telling you, she's ready."

Alicia took a deep breath as the room got very quiet. Sam stopped moving, the cigarette limp in his mouth. His eyes closed, and the shoulders slumped.

Seconds felt like an eternity before the eyes slowly opened and fixed on Alicia. Tears streamed down the face before she got up and ran to hug Alicia, "I love you."

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day 10

Mary and Carol crouched in the dimly lit room. He shifted slightly, his shoes making an odd sound against the concrete. Kind of like sand paper. Carol worked silently, a cigarette dangling from in between her lips. The both worked in silence. The only sound being that of garbage bags, breathing, and occasional swears.

Mary moved the towel around in a circular motion on the ground trying to get it as clean as possible. Carol grabbed her last bag, licking her fingers before trying to open it. As it opened, the distinct sound of it ripping was heard. "Fuck!" Carol whispered. Short and sweet. "M, hand me another."

They'd work like that. Side by side throughout the night.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Day 9

Anna Minulle Arvoitus

"I am happy beyond all reason," she sings. "I am tempted beyond what man comprehends. I am infinite in intelligence. I am bold, I am kind, I am strange, I am normal, I am gentle, and I am rough. What am I?"

The hall was narrow and Kustaa's eyes struggled to see through the darkness. "You are wise?" he asked with uncertainty.

"I am infinite in intelligence," sang back the darkness.

Kustaa's armor was heavy, his helmet almost covering his eyes completely, not that it mattered in the black filled narrowness. He moved forward, his heavy burden clanking loudly. The growl from the distance was clear, 'Don't come any closer.'

Kustaa froze, looking back the way he came. Certainly his comrades could help him solve the puzzle. Dare he try? He licked his lips, tasting the thick sweat which dripped from his face. He just wanted to trek through, was that so wrong?

He looked around the emptiness for anything. A rock out of place, some sort of movement, a clue...anything! He moved forward a bit, the growling getting deeper and louder. Almost seeming to come closer to him.

His teeth began to chatter as a cold breeze passed through. Tired, he turned to leave. Standing in one place for three hours wasn't a part of his plans.

"No," sang the womanly voice. "You shall stay. You shall answer. Or you shall perish."